Setup a project for continuous development with Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails (RoR) is a popular web framework based on the Ruby programming language. According to BuiltWith there are more than 700.000 websites using RoR. This framework implements the MVC pattern and it provides the basic structure for database connection, CRUD web-services and the related web pages. RoR promotes the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) philosophy and it is strongly based on the Coding Over Convention principle. As per its name, by using RoR you develop ON RAILS, meaning that everything is already pre-configured and pre-organized. The framework provides a number of useful scripts that can be run through the CLI and it gives the impression that lots of things happen by magic. You are therefore required to learn a lot of spells and the learning curve may be a bit steep (well, at least for me). The final goal of this experiment is to have fully functional RoR web-app suitable for continuous development. The source code will be hosted on GitHub, the final app will be deployed on Heroku and it will have a front-end based on Bootstrap. What is more, the software will have automated tests hosted by TravisCI and its code coverage will be evaluated through Coveralls.


Resource Host
Source code Github
Live demo Heroku
CI TravisCI
Test covergae Coveralls

Setup the web-app

The project is very simple and it is based on the excellent Getting Started guide available on the RoR web-site, with some extras. The web-app represents a small clone of the IMDB, the RubyMovieDB, limited to movies and directors. As said before, the main objective of this article is to setup a working environment for the continuous development. The starting point is very humble, but there is plenty of room for improvements! To create the web-app, simply run:

rails new RubyMovieDB

This command generates the structure for the whole project, the initial source code, tests, dependencies and so forth. To install the dependencies, move to the project’s root and execute:

bundle install

After that the project is ready for the first run. Start-up the server as follows:

rails s

and visit http://localhost:3000/ to visualize the default RoR welcome page.

Add Bootstrap

The look-and-feel of an application is always very important, so, before proceeding with the actual implementation of the project, it is good to take care of the make-up of the web pages. Bootstrap is a very popular front-end framework that provides a grid system and a widgets toolkit. The use of this framework allows developers to create nice-looking projects that can also be easily modified and improved by graphic designers with no hassle. To add Bootstrap to the project it is necessary to include its gem in the project’s Gemfile:

gem 'bootstrap-sass', '~> 3.2.0' gem 'autoprefixer-rails'

After that the package must be installed through the aforementioned:

bundle install

Bootstrap uses SASS, so it is necessary to rename the main CSS (located at app/assets/stylesheets) file from application.css to application.css.sass, and include the following statements in it:

@import 'bootstrap-sprockets'; @import 'bootstrap';

The last step required is to modify the app/assets/javascripts/application.js file in order to include the following:

//= require bootstrap-sprockets

This statement must be added right after the JQuery inclusion in the same file. After that Bootstrap can be used in the application. The app/views/layouts/application.html.erb file holds the main structure of the application, and the statement:

<%= yield %>

acts as a placeholder for the user’s code. Such placeholder can be wrapped by a Bootstrap container in order to start using the grid system and the widgets toolkit as follows:

<body> <div class="container"> <%= yield %> </div> </body>

Another change that is required in this file is the inclusion of the viewport settings in the head section, in order to have a fully responsive web-site. The whole app/views/layouts/application.html.erb file is listed below:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>The Ruby Movie DB</title> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no'> <meta name='format-detection' content='telephone=no'> <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'> <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'application', media: 'all', 'data-turbolinks-track' => true %> <%= javascript_include_tag 'application', 'data-turbolinks-track' => true %> <%= csrf_meta_tags %> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <%= yield %> </div> </body> </html>

Add FontAwesome

FontAwesome is a font which contains a set of general purpose icons and it can be included in the project by adding the relative gem in the Gemfile:

gem 'font-awesome-rails', '~>'

Once again, run:

bundle install

to download the dependency. After that the CSS must be included in the aforementioned app/views/layouts/application.html.erb file by adding the following statement:

<link href="//" rel="stylesheet" />

This statements includes FontAwesome CSS through its CDN.

The movie resource

The main purpose of the RubyMovieDB is the management of a movies DB through CRUD services. To achieve this goal it is necessary to create a resource, a controller and the related views. RoR provides one very useful command to do so:

rails g scaffold Movie title:string year:int synopsis:text

Where g is short for generate, while scaffold is the shortcut to generate the aforementioned resources. This statements also generates a DB migration, so to make it effective you need to execute the following:

rake db:migrate

Which alters the DB by adding the new table Movie as specified by the scaffold command. Once the model, its controller, and the related views have been created, it is possible to fill the gaps (if any) and add the missing code as described in the Getting Started guide of RoR. Bootstrap and Font Awesome, introduced in the previous paragraphs, help making the views nicer. For example, tables can be easily improved adding the table class. Another nice trick consists in adding Bootstrap classes and FontAwesome icons to the buttons, for example:

<%= link_to '<i class="fa fa-magic"></i> New Movie'.html_safe, new_movie_path, class: 'btn btn-primary' %>

Adding a new model

RoR allows you to work on your project incrementally, through the migration mechanism. For example, I now need to make the RubyMovieDB a little more complete, so I want to add the directors of the movies. Through the aforementioned scaffold command I can then generate a new model, controller and web views for my new model:

rails g scaffold Director first_name:string last_name:string birthday:date

The new model has an impact on the DB, therefore it needs to be updated as follows:

rake db:migrate

Through this statement RoR updates the DB structure by adding a new table. What is more, there is a clear one-to-many relationship between a director and its movies. Such relationship can be added to the model through the migration statement, as follows:

rails g migration AddDirectorIdToMovies director:references

The command generates a new migration that must be execute with the usual rake db:migrate statement. After the migration has been executed, the Movie table contains a reference to a director through its ID. RoR generates everything we need for the new model, but does not update what is already in place. To select a director for the movie, we should include a dropdown in the creation form as follows:

<div class="field"> <%= f.label :director %><br> <%= f.collection_select :director_id, Director.all, :id, :full_name, {:prompt => 'Please select a director'} %> </div>

Such dropdown will be automatically populated with the content from the DB through the f.collection_select statement. The :full_name statement is referred to a new method that has been added to the director’s model:

def full_name "#{first_name} #{last_name}" end

Make sure to allow the new director_id parameter in the movie_controller, otherwise this will not be written in the DB:

def movie_params params.require(:movie).permit(:title, :year, :synopsis, :director_id) end

These changes will allow us to link new movies to existing directors. To display this information we then need to alter the show method in the movies_controller:

def show @director = Director.find(@movie.director_id) end

And subsequently the related view, by adding:

<p> <strong>Director:</strong> <%= @director.full_name %> </p>

One last change is required not to break the tests: fixtures must be adapted to include the director’s id, both in directors.yml:

one: id: 1 first_name: James last_name: Cameron birthday: 1954-08-16

and in movies.yml:

one: title: The Terminator year: 1984 synopsis: Description of the movie. director_id: 1

Deploy on Heroku

Heroku is a cloud Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) that can be used to deploy RoR projects. The Heroku deployment can be configured through the Procfile that must be stored in the root of the project. Such file is plain simple, as it contains only one line:

web: bundle exec rails server -p $PORT

The only big difference between the development environment and the production in this case is the DB. RoR uses SQLite by default, a DB that is not supported by Heroku, which offers PostgreSQL instead. That is not a problem, as RoR can be configured to use different DBs for different environments. To achieve such a goal, we need to modify the Gemfile as follows:

# Use sqlite3 as the database for Active Record # gem 'sqlite3' # PostgreSQL gem 'pg' # Use SQLite in the test and development environments group :development, :test do gem 'sqlite3' gem 'byebug' end group :development do gem 'web-console', '~> 2.0' gem 'spring' gem 'sqlite3' end

By doing so, SQLite will be used in the development and test environments only, while PostgreSQL will be used in production. To deploy the app, head to Heroku, create a new app, and link the GitHub repository to it. Then select Deploy Branch in the Manual Deploy section. You can now view your app, but you should receive an error at this point. That’s because Heroku doesn’t automatically migrate the DB. The next command, that must be run from the CLI, is used to overcome this problem:

heroku run rake db:migrate --app=rmdb

You app is now app and running in the cloud!


The aforementioned scaffold command generates automated tests and fixtures (sample data) for the models and the controllers. The tests for the controllers are very useful to check whether all the CRUD functionalities have been implemented and that these are working as expected. Such tests can be automated through a continuous integration environment, as described further on.

Continuous integration

TravisCI is an online platform for continuous integration that can be linked to any GitHub repository. A configuration file, named .travis.yml, must be added in the root of the project in order to setup the TravisCI builds. Such file specifies the language of the project, the version and the scripts to be executed before and after the tests. The configuration file used for this project is the following:

language: ruby rvm: - 2.2 env: - DB=sqlite - DB=postgresql before_script: - psql -c 'create database myapp_test' -U postgres script: - RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:migrate --trace - bundle exec rake db:test:prepare - bundle exec rake test bundler_args: --binstubs=./bundler_stubs after_success: - coveralls

The script section is used to run all the required DB migrations before the tests, while the after_success section tells TravisCI to send the code coverage to the Coveralls platform after the tests have been successfully completed.

Please note that it is possible to run the tests against different DBs. This is achieved with the env and before_script sections of the configuration file. Such configuration is very useful when you use different DB for different environments, as seen in the previous paragraph for the Heroku deployment. TravisCI will start two sub-builds and execute the tests against both SQLite and PostgreSQL.

Test coverage

Coveralls is an online platform that can be used to track the test coverage of GitHub projects. The Coveralls gem must be included in the Gemfile:

gem 'coveralls', require: false

After the inclusion the bundle install command must be executed to fetch the required libraries. After that, it is also necessary to alter the test/test_helper.rb file in order to include Coveralls in the test process. Following an example of the complete file:

ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'test' # Coveralls require 'coveralls' Coveralls.wear!('rails') require File.expand_path('../../config/environment', __FILE__) require 'rails/test_help' class ActiveSupport::TestCase # Setup all fixtures in test/fixtures/*.yml for all tests in alphabetical order. fixtures :all end

Coveralls generates a report about which lines of code are covered by unit tests and which are not, so that you can fill the gaps and provide a better tests coverage.


RoR is a powerful frameworks that allows you to easily create web-apps based on CRUD RESTful services and the Model-View-Controller architecture. Many things happen by magic, therefore a bit of practice is required to learn all the spells. That’s not a great issue, considering that the documentation is very good and that there’s a huge community of very active users. You will basically find the answer to your problems in few Google searches. If you prefer a framework to a boilerplate solution, probably RoR is a very good choice to implement your next web-site.